Monday, October 6, 2008

What a wonderful weekend!

This past weekend was awesome I have to say! We are still unpacking and organizing our new home, but it is coming along quite well!

Friday we had our weekly pizza night at Johnny's, yum! Our friend Mark showed up to join us, as he usually does. He and Jason stayed and drank a pitcher of beer and did "man things,' whatever that is..and the boys and I went to Wal-Mart.

Yes, that is our favorite thing to do...not really. We had to pick up some things, so we went and lolly-gagged in all the home furnishing aisles for a bit. I wanted to buy so many things for our new home! But, I couldn' day soon though! We made it home and got the boys ready for bed and went to bed ourselves.

Saturday morning I went to pick up Jason's grandma so she could come see the house and visit for a bit. The boys welcomed her with open arms, it was really heartwarming to see that. I took her back home and realized that I never got the opportunity to drive my Nana around like that. It made me miss her at that point and time...

...I got home and talked to mom and Layla...we decided to go to Ellis Pottery for their huge fall sale. My mom and sister got mums to put in the yard. My mom also got a bail of hay 4 HUGE pumpkins and a scarecrow to put out in their front yard..too cute! Again, I wanted SO many things..but couldn't buy them this time around. We returned home to get ready for dinner and bathe and go to bed. You can see the boys were thrilled.....

Sunday was great! We ran a few errands and once home, Jason and the boys went out in the backyard to clean it up while I folded laundry...did I mention our washer is broken?? Yeah, that bites royally. I have had to wash clothes at my mom and dads...thanks to them though!

Jacob and Colt had SO much fun with their daddy outside, but boy were they dirty when they came in! I cleaned them up for lunch and got them down for a nap. Jason and I started to clean up the front yard again and sort through more boxes. We got a lot accomplished this weekend, but I still haven't been able to decorate the house with all my fall's driving me nuts!!

Hopefully by the end of this week I will have them out!

Much love.

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