Thursday, November 6, 2008


So my step-mother-in-law is throwing me a housewarming party the weekend after next! I am kind of excited, but kind of not. Why? Because the kitchen counters still haven't been replaced and neither has the foyer and kitchen floor.

Oh, the floor isn't that's just not our style..and don't even get me started on the counter tops, YUCK! We just haven't gotten the extra money yet to finish those little things. Oh, and the landscaping in the front yard still hasn't been re-done. All in due time....all in due time.

So you can see why I am a bit anxious about the party. I am sure no one will care...almost everyone will probably understand that it takes time to get everything in order..and after all....we do have 30 years! LOL! Anyway...I have made a few things that my friend Sierra helped with, and for that I am very grateful.

At least my guests will have some pretty things to look at!! I made name blocks for both the boys rooms, and "BOO" blocks to decorate for Halloween. I also made a Thanksgiving one as well...take a look! I am very proud and THANKS SIERRA!

Much love.

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