Friday, July 31, 2009

So much (I want) to do, so little time!

I have much I want to do this weekend, other than cleaning.

I want to re finish the bunk beds that my mom found for a steal for the boys room, which means, sanding, painting and drying. I want to finish getting all the junk out of the garage I couldn't get last weekend, so it can be some sorts of a "hang out" place when the boys want to go outside when it is raining. I want to get hanging plants to put up on the front porch. I would love to do some more crafting, which by the way I did another piece for the boys' cowboy bathroom last weekend....too cute! But, I keep forgetting to take a picture of it! I'll do that tonight and post it then, or tomorrow.

I would looooooooove to start on the master bathroom, painting the walls and cabinets and sealing the floor...Jason may not let me do all this...he tends to get a little anxious when I do home improvement projects on my own! BUT, I intend on starting for sure!

I also want to make a headboard for our's been years since we have had one. Ohhhh..I also want to re-do our dresser and chester drawers! Ummm, also, depending on the bunk bed situation, I may move the boys from the room they are in, to the game room. The layout is much better for two twin size beds!
Yup, it is time for Colt to have a "big boy" bed! He is now officially too tall for the toddler bed (at least that's what the papers on the underside of the bed say!)

Soooo, lots I want to do this weekend! Of course, you got to have money to do it all...but I think I can thrift shop it....I have been tuning into "A Soft Place to Land" and "Thrifty Decor Chick" a lot lately and they have given me several ideas! Thanks girls!!

I can't wait to show you what I accomplish this weekend...

...did I mention I have to fit in homework somewhere in all my "I want to do's??"


Much love.

1 comment:

{Kimber} said...

My GOODNESS woman!! that is A LOT of projects lined up...can't wait to see/hear what all you were able to get done! :)