Friday, July 24, 2009


Know what wrasslin' is?

This is wrasslin'...

...better known as wrestling to those of you who aren't too familiar with the southern slang

Yup,TNA Wrestling came to town last night, and I had no intention on going or taking the boys, but Jason was going to go. Of course, he asked when we got home if we wanted to, I declined

But, after he left Jacob literally BEGGED to go to "wrasslin" and yes, he said it just like that. So, after much drama, I called Jason and told him we were headed that way. Fun.

So without further are some highlights...

the cotton candy we just HAD to get...

Jacob and Colt waiting for the matches to start...

Daddy and Colt watching intently...

Daddy and Jacob watching...

sharing the drink...

Colty digging the action...

Jacob having a good time!

All in all, they really had a good time, although at the end of the night, the breakdowns started to happen. They were tired and it was late, but we managed to work through the fits and stay and watch the main event. They were happy campers!

Much Love.

1 comment:

{Kimber} said...

Nuttin' like some good ole wrasslin' :))
looks super fun!!!

{glad u got my button--how's urs coming??}