Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Take your kids to work day!

Yesterday, I had the boys at my office for a little bit. Gosh, that was an adventure. The last time I had to have them here with me, they weren't quite as mischievous...but now they have grown to be little explorers.

I set them up a little area and used boxes as "desks" and gave them some paper, pens and stamps to play "office" with. They enjoyed themselves, which was made evident by their squeals and smiles...as well as the broken stamp I now have! Oh well!

I was able to snap some picture of them, but not many...as they were perched on top of my desk!
They are such cuties!

And my favortie...
brothers and best friends for life!

Much love.


Jenni said...

lol! thanks!

{Kimber} said...

That is adorable...
Isn't it funny how little kids like coming to our work while we despise it!

Thrifty Decor Chick said...

Your boys are absolutely adorable! :)

Jenni said...

Thanks Sarah!