So I am finally posting about my Christmas tree and mantle! I knew I was busy with school and work and home, but I guess I just don't realize how busy I am! I have hardly any time to do anything..and my weekend are FILLED with laundry and cleaning the house.
No fun for my boys.
I have decided that once school is done in February I am going to start doing the cleaning during the week, and laundry on the weekend, so I can have some time with my boys
and myself.
Anywho....I have had my tree up since Thanksgiving..(that's just how busy I am!) This is my second year with my "candy theme" but it still isn't complete. Ya know, time and money make it hard for me to get all the things that I want to put on it!
But, I have a plan...this year I will most definitely go
after Christmas and snatch up all kinds of goodies for next to nothing for my candy tree!
So here it is....the"not finished yet" Christmas tree..
And my Christmas mantle..which
also isn't done yet...
The hubs was watching EPSN, he wouldn't let me turn the tv off to get a "magazine" shot, and I was too impatient to wait for the game to go off!
I love my decorations even if they aren't done! I do wish though, that I had the money to get the rest of what I want for my time though!
I have linked up to TDC and her Christmas Tree Party. You should too
Much love.