Friday, November 13, 2009


Words can't express just how bad I feel.

No, I am not talking about my surgery...I have actually perked up quite a but.

I hurt someone I love. The #1 thing that you shouldn't do to this person, I did. I was stupid for doing it. I thought I was going to be better off doing what I did, but I was wrong. And I knew it, but for some reason I did it anyway. I don't know what to think or say..or even feel. I feel more than awful...I am so lost now...I have asked for forgiveness, I said how sorry I am. Just give me some sort of sign that this too, shall pass.

Much love.


Five Moms & A Blog said...

We all have said or done things we shouldn't. We're not perfect. The thing is, once we ask for forgiveness we also need to forgive ourselves.....So forgive yourself, my dear, because Jesus does and I imagine the other person does too.

~ Nan

Jenni said...

Indeed Jesus does forgive! It was hard to forgive still haunts me...but I feel I have the promise of a new day, and I just keep looking ahead!