Tuesday, June 23, 2009

School days!

So what, it's been like a month since I have last blogged!!!!!!! I can't even imagine the thoughts that people must be having (i.e., I am laying in a ditch somewhere, vanished into thin air, etc.!)

Well, I can assure you that I am alive and well! I may not be fully functional, but I am alive!
The last thing that happened was my PC at the office was blown up. Well, TA-DA! I finally got it! Okay, so I have had it for a while...but just haven't blogged. And don't even ask me why I don't blog at home...seriously, have you ever been to my house??? Yeah...it ain't happening!

So, I lost a friend (to a move, not death) gained some much needed confidence, got a swift kick in the butt and am now going back to school for my MA (medical assistants license) and will be finished with that after an externship in January. Hopefully then, I will be hired on at my pediatrician's office (the swift kick) and be a happy camper!!

I am in school Monday through Thursdays, 5:30-10:30 and Jason is at home with the boys playing single parent. Last night was our first run of this and everyone did well! I am so happy to have his support, along with the rest of my family. My mom even put a binder with paper and pens together for me after I told her I hadn't gotten a notebook to even take notes on the first day! Lol...it's been a long time since I stepped foot into a classroom!

I am super excited and and will keep you all updated! I am going to try and post once a week just to keep this up! Please hang tight, as I am still adjusting to my new schedule!

Much love.


Crandalls said...

yay! You blogged!!!! Thanks for clarifying the move, not death thing, lol.

I blogged about the boy's bathroom too yesterday but haven't posted it yet because all our pictures are on our old computer and I haven't gotten them off yet!

Good luck with school!!!

Carrie said...

Yeah a blog post. Love ya girl!!