Wow, so it has been almost 2 months since I last blogged! It hasn't all been fun in that to anyone who faithfully reads my blog, I sincerely apologize! I will do my best to get you up to speed!
I haven't blogged much, because right after Thanksgiving, both the boys got pretty sick with a tummy virus, which lasted FOREVER, then those turned into strep throat, then to colds, and eventually ear infections. Yeah, not a very fun holiday season, I know..but we made the best of it, like we always do.
After the first of the year, Colt was still so bad off, I decided to take him to the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor at the request of his pediatrician (and myself). The
ENT confirmed that he indeed needed to have his tonsils and adenoids taken out, due to the size of them and him not being able to breathe properly. So off we went to the surgery center.
That has been one week ago today Colt had you think he is better? No, actually the ENT doctor found a major ear infection in Colt's right ear, and decided instead of putting tubes in, he would just cut the ear drum and let it drain....well....he
shoulda put tubes in. Why?
ONE: because he said so himself after we had to take him back Tuesday afternoon for still not drinking and having a fever, and
TWO: he STILL has fluid on his ears as of this past Friday!! He is miserable. And to make matters worse, Jacob went to the the pedi doctore on Tuesday and came back with and ear AND eye infection! So they have both been filled up with a "super" anti-biotic, which hasn't started working yet. They are absolutely MISERABLE! They don't eat, sleep, or mind. They hurt!
Their pediatrician is out today, so when she returns my call tomorrow, I am going to talk to her about getting tubes in both their ears. I am hoping that this really helps them to feel better. I just can't take it anymore....seeing them hurt is awful!
Other than that, Christmas and the New Year was good to us. Did I mention that Colt had to be rushed to his
pedi's office Christmas Eve after sticking his finger in a hole on a table at Old Navy?? Completely ripping the skin off the knuckle??? Yeah, it bled like no body's business....luckily the doctor's office is right down the street, so I just rushed him in there where they just glued it didn't really need stitches. Their pediatrician rocks like that! you can see why I haven't blogged lately! Pretty fun stuff, huh? :) Anyway, hopefully I am back on track now! The next few posts will prob just be
pictures snapped during Christmas and such! I hope you enjoy and come back!
Much love.